Welcome to Holy Cross Church Uckfield
Welcome to Holy Cross Church Uckfield (part of the Diocese of Chichester of the Church of England) which is part of the Uckfield Plurality with the Church of St Michael and All Angels at Little Horsted and the Church of St Margaret at Isfield.
We warmly welcome you to join us at one of our many services as well as our community events and outreach projects! We have an active Children's and Youth ministry and welcome families and children to join us at Junior Church, Messy Church, Holiday Club or our Children & Youth Choirs.
Painting by David Holden
A Message From Fr John Wall, Rector of Holy Cross Church Uckfield
Welcome to Holy Cross Church Uckfield!
Holy Cross is a welcoming, active, and forward - looking church, wholeheartedly serving the community of our town, providing solace, support, family & friendship.
We offer a substantial children's ministry through our fun & vibrant 'Open Doors' Family service, Messy Church, Junior Church, Youth & Children's Choirs, Youth Club & Holiday Club. We also offer fellowship, support and events through our wonderful 'Very Chatty Cafe'. Holy Cross Church and open, inclusive and safe place for many - do come and see us, you will be warmly welcomed!
with warm wishes from Fr John & Vito the dog
Our Sunday Service pattern is:
8.00am B.C.P. Holy Communion (every Sunday)
9.30am Parish Eucharist (1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays)
(2nd Sunday) 10.00am 'Open Doors' All Age Service
(2nd Sunday) 5.30pm Festal Choral Evensong
(4th Sunday) 5.30pm Sung Evensong
(5th Sunday) 5.30pm Sung Evensong at St.Saviour's (Framfield Road)
Forthcoming Events at Holy Cross Church
Saturday 10th May 2025 | SPRING FESTIVAL
10am-4pm on Luxford Field
Stall Holder Enquiries to sarahwiddowson@hotmail.co.uk
Very Chatty Cafe in Belmont Centre Times:-
- 2nd Friday of each Month with Snack Lunch 10.30 - 12.30
- Last Friday of each month 10.30 -12.30 with Light Lunch
Why not join us at our next big event at The Vintage Tea Room at Uckfield Spring Festival, on the Luxford Field on May 10th, 10am until 4.0m? We plan to hold a Garden Party on 21st June in a glorious garden at Ringles Cross. We have taken part in the Children's Parade at the Uckfield Carnival in the past two years and hope to again this year (a second childhood?) We also provide an exhibition as part of the Holy Cross Festival of Christmas Trees.
Women's Ministry in the Diocese and in the Uckfield Plurality
The Dean of Women's Ministry has recently been appointed and is the Reverend Helen Garratt of St Peter's Brighton. The Assistant Dean of Women's Ministry is our own Reverend Martha Mutakani who is Associate Vicar of Isfield.
Please see Safeguarding for all our safeguarding information (Click on link above).
The Work of Holy Cross Church
Can You Help Holy Cross Church?
If you feel you could contribute financially to the continuing work of Holy Cross Church please click on this link which goes to our "Just Giving" Account.
For GDPR information go to GDPR - please click on this link.
Charity Commission Information
Please note that we are registered with the Charity Commission and our Charity Number is 1137746.